Today I decided to add a new account to linked to my business website: I'd like to start steering some traffic that way. This will give me a chance to see what people think of my site as well. I have been keeping up with the site under my account for this blog and it's been working pretty well. They have a rating system that places you higher up in their listings the more goals you accomplish. The aim is to review 30 sites per day, rate 5, post 1 comment in their forums and add 1 favorite. I don't do all of those things everyday, but I do generally visit 30 sites per day and rate 5 per day. This ranks me in the top 20 or so. That's perfect. If people are reviewing 30 sites in the same category on a specific day, they will more than likely get to my site since I'm only number 20. To anyone that is looking for traffic to their site, I recommend linkrefferal. I know people think nobody of substance will look at your site, but I actually do find sites I like on there and add them to my favorites so I can come back and visit them. And some people have even added my blog site to their favorites.
I found some more resources on Google today. They really are an extraordinary company. One is Google Analytics and Google Base. I don't know a lot about Google Analytics because I won't be using it until I've done more business. From what I can gather: Google Analytics provides a number of statistics for your site
- adwords specifics telling you the usefulness of your adwords looking at specific words you’ve selected.
- You can learn which visitors became a customer and at what point in the process they left your site. That will help you make site adjustments. If people leave after clicking on a specific product you might want to eliminate that product or make adjustments to the description or heading of the product page.
If your blog does not already have tracking, google analytics is not just a nice thing, it is a must. You can not know what really works unless you have the ability to track it. It is easy, painless and no effort after the first sign up. The only thing you have to remember to do is put in the ID#. Contact me if you need help.